If you've selected the low pressure sensor and enter a pressure value that exceeds the low sensor range, then the
calibrator will ask if you would like it to automatically switch to the high pressure sensor.
4. Control
Confirm the set value, and the calibrator will automatically start controlling to the set point.
The control may be paused at any time by pressing .
The following functions are disabled in the CONTROL mode: Pressure Zero (Section 3.1.10), Step (Section 3.1.11),
Leak Test (Section 3.6.1), VENT (Section 3.6.2), and Calibration (Section 3.7).
5. Stabilize
When the calibrator reaches a stable condition as defined in the CONTROL SETUP (Section 3.4.1), the color of the
displayed value will change from black to green.
3.1.3 Pressure measure
1. Select the High/Low Pressure Range in measure mode.
The calibrator will vent as it switches ranges.
2. Connection: Complete the pneumatic connection to the
external pressure source as shown in Figure 3-5.
3. External pressure source:
Avoid applying pressure greater than the maximum working
pressure to the calibrator.
If the value falls outside the current pressure range, the color
of the displayed value will change from black to red and the
calibrator will alarm.
If the external pressure is potentially damaging to the calibrator, it will automatically vent and an over pressurization
prompt will appear.
Figure 3-5 Pressure measure