7.4 Adding
It is useful, when a mixture of various components is weighed in a tare container and finally for
control purposes the sum weight of all weighed components is required.
7.4.1 Non
“ACC 1” is shortly displayed, then appears once more the weight of
the first test item.
• Remove the first sample
• Put on the second sample
The weight of the second sample is displayed.
• Press
“ACC 2” is shortly displayed
• Press , “ACC oFF” appears
Balance Display
• Press repeatedly until „F4 ACC“ appears
• Start balance by pressing Whilst the balance is
carrying out a selftest, press . “F1 Unt” appears,
Put on the first sample
The weight of the first sample is displayed
• Press
• Press button to adjust „ACC on“
• Acknowledge with button and press Print to return into
weighing mode
• Put on weight 1 (see table chap. 6.8.1)
• Wait for the stability display and the signal sound
• “LoAd 2” appears
• Remove weight 1 and put on the weight 2
• After having placed weight 4, „LoAd 0“ appears again
• Remove weight 4, „LoAd 4“ appears anew
• Place weight 4 again
• Wait for the stability display and the signal sound, „LoAd 3“ will
be displayed
• Remove weight 4 and place weight 3
• Wait for the stability display and the signal sound, „LoAd 2“ will
be displayed
• Remove weight 3 and place weight 2
• Wait for the stability display and the signal sound, „LoAd 1“ will
be displayed
• Remove weight 2 and place weight 1
• Wait for the stability display and the signal sound
• “LoAd 0” will be displayed
• Remove weight 1
• After the stability display and the signal sound the balance carries
out a selftest and changes into the weighing mode. Now the
linearization is concluded successfully.
• After the stability display and the signal sound “LoAd 3” appears;
remove weight 2 and put on weight 3
• After the stability display and the signal sound “LoAd 4” appears;
remove weight 3 and put on weight 4