Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010
An archive created according to the GFS scheme by Acronis Backup & Recovery 10.
Schedule: Workdays at 8:00 PM
Weekly/Monthly: Friday
Keep daily backups: 7 days
Keep weekly backups: 2 weeks
Keep monthly backups: 6 months
Tower of Hanoi backup scheme
The need to have frequent backups always conflicts with the cost of keeping such backups for a long
time. The Tower of Hanoi (ToH) backup scheme is a useful compromise.
Tower of Hanoi overview
The Tower of Hanoi scheme is based on a mathematical puzzle of the same name. In the puzzle a
series of rings are stacked in size order, the largest on the bottom, on one of three pegs. The goal is
to move the ring series to the third peg. You are only allowed to move one ring at a time, and are
prohibited from placing a larger ring above a smaller ring. The solution is to shift the first ring every
other move (moves 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11...), the second ring at intervals of four moves (moves 2, 6, 10...),
the third ring at intervals of eight moves (moves 4, 12...), and so on.