Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010
Way of working with the "Vaults" view
(on the navigation pane) - top element of the vaults tree. Click this item to display groups
of centralized and personal vaults.
. This group is available when the console is connected to a managed machine or
to a management server. Expand this group to display a list of centralized vaults added by the
management server administrator.
Click any centralized vault in the vaults tree to open the detailed view of this vault (p. 117) and to
take actions on the vault (p. 118), archives (p. 148) and backups (p. 149) stored in there.
. This group is available when the console is connected to a managed machine.
Expand this group to display a list of personal vaults created on the managed machine.
Click any personal vault in the vaults tree to open the detailed view of this vault (p. 145) and to
take actions on the vault (p. 146), archives (p. 148) and backups (p. 149) stored in there.
Centralized vaults
A centralized vault is a networked location allotted by the management server administrator to serve
as storage for the backup archives. A centralized vault can be managed by a storage node or be
unmanaged. The total number and size of archives stored in a centralized vault is limited by the
storage size only.
As soon as the management server administrator commits to creating a centralized vault, the vault
path and name are distributed to all machines registered on the server. The shortcut to the vault
appears on the machines in the
Vaults > Centralized
group. Any backup plan existing on the
machines, including local plans, can use the centralized vault.
On a machine that is not registered on the management server, a user having the privilege to back up
to the centralized vault can do so by specifying the full path to the vault. If the vault is managed, the
user's archives, as well as other archives stored in the vault, will be managed by the storage node.
Managed vaults
The managed vault is a centralized vault managed by a storage node. The storage node performs
storage node-side cleanup (p. 358) and storage node-side validation (p. 359) for each archive stored
in the managed vault. When creating a managed vault, an administrator can specify additional
operations that the storage node will perform (deduplication (p. 61), encryption). Management
operations cannot be canceled or disabled. They will be performed for all archives stored in the vault
unless the vault is deleted.
Any managed vault is self-contained, that is, contains all metadata the storage node needs to
manage the vault. In case the storage node is lost or its database is corrupted, the new storage node
retrieves the metadata and re-creates the database. When the vault is attached to another storage
node, the same procedure takes place.
Accessing managed vaults
To be able to back up to a managed vault, a user must have an account on the machine where the
storage node is installed. The scope of a user's privileges in a vault depends on the user's rights on
the storage node. A user who is a member of the Users group can view and manage his/her own
archives. Members of the Administrators group can view and manage any archive stored on the
storage node. A user who is a member of the Administrators group on a managed machine can view
and manage archives created by any user of this machine.