Installation & Operation Manual - Model AVR6000
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Page 46
Alarms Configuration
The AVR includes three independent
application-based airflow volume
setpoint deviation alarms that can be
enabled. If using these alarms, be
sure to set the “Deviation %” and
“Alarm In Delay” to values that will
not result in nuisance alarms.
The Supply Actuator Fault Alarm
compares the supply valve actuator
feedback signal to the supply valve %
open position and triggers an alarm if
the two deviate more than the
programmed value.
High and Low Room Temperature
alarms are provided for each of the
four different setpoint modes. Alarm
status is provided as BACnet Binary
Inputs (BI3, BI4 and BI5) and can also
be tied to the Alarm Relay on the
AVR6000 control module.
BACnet status of the deviation alarm points are provided as Binary Inputs and
BACnet status of the room temperature alarm points are provided by a BACnet
multistate variable.
The AVR controller includes an alarm relay that can also be used to indicate the
alarm status.
Air Change Rate Configuration
The AVR can calculate the Air Change
Rate (ACH) based on the AVR supply
airflow measurement and the room
volume. Room dimension values must
be entered into the Air Change Rate
Configuration Screen shown to the left.
Check “Show ACH on Dashboard” to
provide the calculated ACH on the AVR
Insight dashboard.
The ACH is provided as a BACnet
Analog Input Value.
The actual room ACH may differ from the calculated value due to room
parameters external to the AVR control system and objects not accounted for
in the room volume calculation.