Lanier R/C
Sukhoi SU 31M
Locate the parts to construct the dowel
alignment jig, SI1, SI1A,SI1B. Glue the SI1A
to the front edge of SI1, and the SI1B to the
back edge of one of the SI1, Align on the two
marks, this should give you a ¼” slot in the
middle. Now glue the other SI1 on top. This
will do the front dowel which is ¼”.
Now construct the one for the rear 3/8”
dowel using the SI2, SI2A, SI2B, SI2C, and
SI2D. Insert your drill in the jig, align with the
hole in the stab root part SR, and make sure
the jig is tightly against the root and drill the
hole. This will align the dowels parallel to the
With the aluminum tube centered up in the
fuselage, slide one stab in place.
Drill a number 36 hole(.106) through the 3/8”
dowel into the aluminum tube. Run a 6-32 tap
into the hole. Countersink the 3/8” dowel so
the head of the screw will be flush with the
surface of the stab. Install the screw and then
do the other side making sure to hold the
stabs tightly against the sides of the fuselage.
Take the elevator halves and tape in place on
their foam cores. Measure out 3-7/8” from the
center and mark the first hard point for the
elevator horn. Measure 7-1/4” out from that
point and mark the second. Using a ½” drill ,
drill a hole through the elevator at the rear of
the ½” leading edge. Cut a length of ½” dowel
and epoxy in place. Drill a number 29 (.136)
hole through the center of the dowel and
countersink the top surface. Run an 8-32 tap
through the hole.
Layout the hole for the servos by aligning the
servo arm with the dowel hard point. Set it up
so the push rod will be perpendicular to the
hinge line when the servo is fully extended.
Start the hole for the servo 2-1/8"in front of
the trailing edge of the stab. This is the front
edge of the servo.