Lanier R/C
Sukhoi SU 31M
add the 36” piece and the 6” piece.
Then add the 18” piece. You will have
to make a top and bottom skin by
gluing the last two rows on the
opposite side. Make up two sets of
skins, see diagram above. Place a
skin in the packing, put down the wing
core, put the top packing in place and
mark the wing skin with a pencil
around the edge. Remove from
packing and using a straight edge cut
to size. Cut all four skins; remember to
make a top and bottom.
7. We recommend using probond urethane
glue. You can use epoxy if you prefer.
With the pro bond there is no need to
edge glue the sheets together, just tape
them. Using a credit card or spreader,
apply a lite even coat over the surface of
the wing skin. There is no need to leave it
puddled up on the surface, scrape it
almost dry. Take a damp cloth and wipe
the wing core down, the moisture helps
the urethane set up. Place the skin in the
padding, align the wing core, place the top
skin in place, add the top packing shell
and then apply weight. The wing must be
on a flat sturdy surface..
8. Check the packing and core for alignment
and place a heavy board on it to distribute
the weight. Concrete blocks or bricks work
well. You will need about 200 lbs to firmly
weight the wing down. Allow curing over
night before removing.
Trim the sheeting flush with the tip of
the wing and glue on the 1”x2-
1/2”x15” balsa block tips. Sand the
tips to the shape shown on the plans.
10. Trim and sand the leading edge sheeting
flush with the foam core. Locate and
install the ½” x 1-1/4” x 54” leading edge.
This will be made up of a 48” piece and a
6” piece. Use white glue and masking
tape to hold it in place.
11. Place the foam core in packing and tape
it in place.
Strike a line at the aft edge of the rear
spars on the trailing edge. Measure in
47.5” from the tip and draw a line
perpendicular to the forward spar. Use a