Lanier R/C
Sukhoi SU 31M
dried fill in any voids between the wing and
the W1 with putty.
Anti rotation pins
Locate the two D1s, the D2 and D2A the D3
and D3A. These will make a jig to drill the
3/8” holes in the wing for the anti rotation
pins. Laminate the D2 and the D3 together
paying attention to the top, which is cut at an
angle, and then glue to one of the D1s. The
D2 and D3 go on the front. Then laminate the
D2A and the D3A and glue it on the rear
portion of D1.Use a 3/8” dowel to help align in
the middle on the two lines. Glue the other
D1 on top. Inset your 3/8” drill in the hole and
align it with the hole on the root rib of the
wing. With the D1 turned so the front is
toward the leading edge, hold the D1 flush
against the root rib and drill your hole.
This will align the dowel parallel to the main
Install the hard point for the wing mount bolt
by measuring out 5-1/2" inches directly over
the tube and drilling a 1/2" hole down to the
top of the phenolic tube. Do not drill through
the phenolic. Glue a piece of 1/2" dowel in
flush with the surface of the wing. Drill a #36
hole(.106) in the center of the dowel all the
way through the phenolic tube. Run a 6-32
tap through the hole and counter sink the top
for the screw head. Center the aluminum
tube up in the fuselage and with the wings
held tightly up against the fuselage, drill the
hole through the dowel and into the aluminum
tube. Install the 6-32x1-1/2" screw and then
do the other side.
With the fuselage blocked up level, the top of
the fuselage should be level, set both wings
to 0 degrees incidence and glue the W7 anti
rotation disc on the inside of the fuselage. Be
careful and don’t glue the W7 to the dowel.
Lightly glue them on and after the glue has
dried remove the wings and reglue the W7
firmly. The W7A goes in the rear.
Fin Construction
Take the fin blank and measure down from
the top 5-5/16” and draw a line parallel to the