Lanier R/C
Sukhoi SU 31M
Bolt the two 1-1/2” x3” aluminum angles on
bottom of each M1 flush with the bottom. Use
#8x1” bolts with lock nuts. Be sure to make a
left and a right.
Since the F1 is cut flat and then tilted forward
at an angle it will be necessary to file the
notches at the top and bottom at an angle.
You will remove material from the front side
on the bottom and the rear side at the top.
Don’t remove too much; you want the M1’s to
be tight in the slots.
Assemble the F1 former the two M1 motor
box sides and the F2 former. Do not glue.
Use masking tape to hold together.
Lay the fuselage top on a flat surface and
install all bulkheads F1 thru F6. Tack glue in
place flush with the topsides.
Take the left and right side and fit the tabs on
the bulkheads into the notches on the sides
and the tabs of the top into the notches along
the top edge. Start at the front and work
toward the rear using masking tape to hold
everything in place. The rear of the fuse will