Lanier R/C
Sukhoi SU 31M
band saw if possible, to cut out the
Leave the aileron taped to the packing
and remove 1” from the leading edge and
3/16" from the inboard end.
Locate the four ½”x1-1/2”x48” balsa aileron
leading edge, wing trailing edge pieces. Tape
two together with the end of one extending
¼” beyond the other. Draw a centerline down
each set and mark off the hole location for
the hinges. This will be the root end, measure
in 1-1/2” and mark the first hole. Lay out
seven more holes spaced 6” apart. Measure
2-1/2” from the last hinge and mark the hole
at the tip end. Using a drill press drill a 3/16”
hole at the nine locations. Using a band saw
cut the bevel on both piece leaving 1/16” on
the sides and in the middle.
12. Cap the aileron leading edge with the
piece that was inset ¼”. Make sure it is
centered up on the aileron. Use white glue
and tape to hold it. When cured, trim and
sand the ends flush with the foam. Also
plane and sand the top and bottom flush
with the sheeting. Locate (2) W6 and glue
to inboard end of ailerons. Sand flush
when cured.
13. Locate W5 and glue in place on the
aileron inset inboard end.
14. Cap trailing edge of wing with the other
piece of balsa. Use the aileron to align the
hinge holes and adjust the gap between
the aileron and wing. Use white glue and
tape in place. Plane and sand top, bottom,
and tip end flush with surfaces.