Purge fluid spike
Supply line
Purge cassette
Purge pressure
Purge tubing
Yellow luer connector
Y connector
One end spikes the purge fluid bag and the other end connects the
bag to the purge cassette supply line
Carries fluid from the purge fluid bag to the purge cassette
Contains the components for delivering the purge fluid; maintains the
pressure barrier between the blood and the motor to prevent blood
from entering the motor
Transmits pressure to the controller based on the purge pressure in
the purge tubing; a sensor in the controller measures the pressure so
that it can be displayed on the screen and used by the purge pressure
algorithm to maintain the purge pressure
Carries purge fluid from the purge cassette to the Impella® RP Catheter
Connects the purge tubing to the check valve (yellow luer lock) on the
RP Catheter
Adapter that connects the purge cassette tubing to the Impella®
Catheter; used with the Impella® 2.5 Catheter but removed when you
are using the Impella® RP Catheter
Table 3.2 Purge Cassette Components
RP with the Automated Impella