The Impella
RP Catheter is an intracardiac microaxial blood pump that supports a patient’s
pulmonary circulation. The Impella
RP Catheter is inserted percutaneously through the femoral
vein and into the pulmonary artery (see Figure 3.1).
Outlet area
in PA
Inlet area
in IVC
Femoral Vein
Figure 3.1 Impella
RP Catheter in the Heart
When properly positioned, the Impella® RP Catheter delivers blood from the inlet area, which sits in
the inferior vena cava, through the cannula, to the outlet opening in the pulmonary artery.
Physicians and device operators monitor Impella® RP Catheter function on the display screen of
the Automated Impella® Controller.
The intent of the therapy with the Impella RP System is to provide a percutaneous circulatory
support system to restore normal right heart hemodynamics, reduce right ventricular work, and
allow the right heart time to potentially recover adequate contractile function or to be bridged to the
next therapy.
This section describes the components of the Impella
RP Catheter and the Automated Impella
Controller, as well as the accessory components.
RP with the Automated Impella