What should you know about wearing a Sensor:
Wash application site on the back of your upper arm using a plain soap,
dry, and then clean with an alcohol wipe. This will help remove any oily
residue that may prevent the Sensor from sticking properly. Allow site
to air dry before proceeding. Carefully preparing the site according to
these instructions will help the Sensor stay on your body for the full 14
day wear period and help prevent it from falling off early.
The Sensor can be worn for up to 14 days. Remember to always have
your next Sensor available before your current one ends so you can
keep getting your glucose readings.
You must scan the Sensor to get your real-time current glucose level as
both the Reader and App will not provide this information without a
In the event that your Sensor stops working and you do not have
another Sensor readily available, you must use an alternate method to
measure your glucose levels and inform your treatment decisions.