Table 4. Operating parameters for the EPG
Tonic Range
Tonic Steps
Burst Range*
Burst Steps*
Pulse width
50 - 500 µs
10 µs
50 - 1000 µs
50 µs
2 - 200 Hz
200 - 500 Hz
500 - 1200 Hz
2 Hz
10 Hz
20 Hz
Burst rate frequency
10 - 60 Hz
10 Hz
Intra-Burst frequency
250 - 500 Hz
500 - 1000 Hz
10 Hz
20 Hz
0 - 25.5 mA
0.1 - 1.0 mA
0 - 12.75 mA
0.05 - 0.50 mA
Stimulation output
Constant current
Constant current
▪ Columns with * represent operating parameters for BurstDR™ stimulation programs on EPGs capable of
BurstDR stimulation mode.
▪ The maximum current depends on the impedance, frequency, and pulse width settings.