Sensyflow iG, Version 1.00
42/14-39 EN
After completion of the installation procedure (see previous section) Sensyflow iG can be commissioned.
Follow the instructions below:
Before connecting the power lines make sure that the device is operated with the correct supply voltage
(see device rating plate)!
The power supply may only be switched on when the connection box cover is closed. Danger of electric
• Switch on the power supply
The system is automatically booted, and the Sensyflow iG is initialized; subsequently the system chan-
ges over to the pre-set display screen and starts normal measuring operation.
In case of error, a simple troubleshooting display pops up automatically.
• Configure the PROFIBUS slave address (see next section) through either
– local configuration by using the device display (Sensyflow iG is in SERVICE/SPECIALIST mode)
– remote configuration, from the Class 1 master of the process control system, or a Class 2 master
with the appropriate parameterizing and configuration tool (via the SET SLAVE address telegram)
• Set up PROFIBUS DP configuration for cyclic data communication with the Class 1 master of the pro-
cess control system (see section 7) :
– Load the device data (GSD) file into the process control system, and save it in the appropriate sub-
directory (for GSD file see Appendix)
• Set the parameters and configure the system through either
– local parameterization at the display by using a magnetic pen (
see section 7.4 "Display, operation,
and configuration" on page 35
– DTM parameterization and configuration by using SMART VISION or FDT
see section 7.3 "SMART VISION DTM configuration" on page 35
After successful configuration or if there are no further user actions for 2 minutes, the system automati-
cally displays the default mask and changes over to STANDARD mode.
In the individual display masks the connect symbol -||- indicates whether or not a PROFIBUS connection
is established to the Class 1 or Class 2 master. If there is no connection, the symbol -| |- is displayed.
In case of error the display shows the error symbol "E" (
see section 7.4 "Display, operation, and
configuration" on page 35