The function does not have any parameters available in Local HMI or Protection and
Control IED Manager (PCM600).
Operation principle
Switch controller SCSWI
The Switch controller (SCSWI) is provided with verification checks for the select -
execute sequence, that is, checks the conditions prior each step of the operation. The
involved functions for these condition verifications are interlocking, reservation,
blockings and synchronism-check.
Control handling
Two types of control models can be used. The two control models are "direct with normal
security" and "SBO (Select-Before-Operate) with enhanced security". The parameter
defines which one of the two control models is used. The control model "direct
with normal security" does not require a select whereas, the "SBO with enhanced security"
command model requires a select before execution.
Normal security means that only the command is evaluated and the resulting position is
not supervised. Enhanced security means that the command sequence is supervised in
three steps, the selection, command evaluation and the supervision of position. Each step
ends up with a pulsed signal to indicate that the respective step in the command sequence
is finished. If an error occurs in one of the steps in the command sequence, the sequence
is terminated and the error is mapped into the enumerated variable "cause" attribute
belonging to the pulsed response signal for the IEC 61850 communication. The last cause
L_CAUSE can be read from the function block and used for example at commissioning.
There is no relation between the command direction and the actual
position. For example, if the switch is in close position it is possible to
execute a close command.
Before an execution command, an evaluation of the position is done. If the parameter
is true and the position is in intermediate state or in bad state no execution
command is sent. If the parameter is false the execution command is sent independent of
the position value.
Evaluation of position
The position output from switch (SXCBR or SXSWI) is connected to SCSWI. With the
group signal connection the SCSWI obtains the position, time stamps and quality
attributes of the position which is used for further evaluation.
1MRK 502 048-UUS A
Section 12
Technical manual