Manual Energy Storage Inverter ESI-S
The ESI-Manager user interface 123
IGBT temporary
The IGBT modules report a transient error that could be cleared by the
system. This error can be due to peak over current or too low control
voltage for the IGBT drivers.
Loss of phase
The system has detected a loss of supply on at least one phase.
No synchronization
The system cannot synchronize on to the network.
SPI Error
The DSP has received no response after its request on the SPI port.
Bad Sequence
The DSP has detected an inadequate behavior in the sequence.
Out of mains freq.
The system has detected that the network frequency is out of range.
Over voltage RMS
The RMS value of the supply voltage is higher than the acceptable
maximum value.
Over volt. Transient
The software transient over voltage protection has been triggered.
Over current RMS
The system has detected RMS over current.
Over current peak
The software peak current protection has been triggered.
Preload problem
The DC capacitors could not be preloaded. The voltage increase on
the DC capacitors during the preload phase is not high enough.
Unbalanced supply
The supply imbalance is out of range.
Under voltage RMS
The RMS value of the supply voltage is lower than the acceptable
minimum value.
Unstable mains frequ. The network frequency is varying too fast.
Wrong phase rotation The inverter is fed by a supply system, which has the wrong phase
SPI Timeout
Internal system error
Global BESS fault
The system encountered an issue during a BESS application
Mismatch between
Different units in an inverter system have different settings (e.g. 3-
wire and 4-wire setting) or are connected in a different way.
Remark: Maximum limits for certain parameters are given in the detailed manuals
gives an overview of the faults that can be reported by the
Table 49: Overview of the faults that can be reported by the
Com. Problem 1 (CAN bus)
Communication problem between different units in a multi-unit
inverter arrangement
Com. Problem (RS-232)
Serial communication problem between the main controller
board and an external PC
Corrupted DSP code
Internal system error
Corrupted uC code
Internal system error
Internal uC fault
Internal system error
Ctrl over temperature
The system detected an over temperature of the main controller
DSP watchdog
Internal system error