Manual Energy Storage Inverter ESI-S
The ESI-Manager user interface 129
The backlight adjustment menu set the default backlight intensity when the touch
screen is used. After 10 minutes of touch screen inactivity, the backlight intensity returns
to 10%.
7.11.4 Communication
The ESI-Manager provides a variety of communications methods. In this main menu, it
includes the settings for Modbus and Ethernet and the MAC and IP addresses. More
information regarding the Modbus, USB and TCP/IP protocol and programming, please
refer to manual: 2GCS239011A0070_ESI-Manager communication with Modbus RTU,
Modbus TCP and PQF-Link protocols.
When the communication is unlocked (see
), the user can change
parameter/setting of the inverter using the ESI-Manager as well as a communication link
(e.g. Modbus or TCP/IP based with help of PQF-Link software).