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7 - Appendix
Display code
LED status
Ground fault
The error is generated when a
ground leakage current is de-
tected in the DC section of the
system. This may be caused by:
a) PV module ground leakage
b) Internal inverter fault
See the “Verification of ground leak
age” and “Measuring the insulation
resistance” sections for information on
how to perform checks and measure-
a) If the measured insulation resis-
tance value is less than 1KΩ, the PV
module has a ground leakage that
prevents the grid connection of the
inverter. In this case the PV module
must be replaced.
b) If the measured value exceeds
1KΩ, try connecting the MICRO invert
er to a different PV module. If the error
persists, the alarm may be caused by
internal inverter faults. To perform this
test, the MICRO inverter Ground Fault
condition must be reset via the Web
DC Injection
The error is generated if the DC
component of the current sup-
plied to the grid exceeds the
threshold set by the country of
installation’s applicable regula-
tion. In any case, the inverter will
automatically try to reconnect to
the grid. This may be caused by:
a) Sporadic recurrence of this
error is a sign of large grid dis-
tortions or sudden changes in
b) Systematic recurrence of this
error may be due to an inverter
a) Verify the grid parameters and, if
the grid voltage is strongly distorted,
please contact your grid operator to
address the problem
If the grid voltage is stable, the error
may also be due to sudden irradiance
variations. In this case, the inverter
will automatically try to reconnect to
the grid and no actions are required to
solve the problem.
b) If the grid voltage is stable, yet the
error systematically persists, the mal-
function may be caused by an internal
inverter fault
Blinking red
Internal Error
a) The alarm may occur dur-
ing inverter initialization and is
caused by the initialization of
communication between the CDD
and the MICRO inverters.
b) Systematic occurrence of this
error may be due to an inverter
a) The alarm will automatically reset
upon connection of the inverter to the
grid, and no actions are required to
solve the problem.
b) If the error systematically persists,
the malfunction may be caused by an
internal inverter fault