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7 - Appendix
escription of the CDD
The Power-One MICRO Inverters associated with the CDD are monitored using CDD display,
the CDD web server interface, or from the Aurora Vision monitoring portal.
The display for the CDD permits simultaneous monitoring of the associated inverters. The
following information can be viewed by navigating in the menu:
Operating status and statistics of each MICRO Inverter
Operating status of the connection to the Internet/local network
Alarm messages and fault indicators.
The display offers user friendly and intuitive use with the capability of navigating through the
various menus by means of buttons on the side of the CDD.
larm messages and codes
The MICRO Inverter is capable of communicating errors/warnings via radio to the associated CDD. The table
below provides a description of the alarm messages and error codes displayed on the CDD.
Display code
LED status
blinking red
Input OC
The error appears when the
inverter input current exceeds the
set overcurrent threshold. This
may be caused by:
a) sudden sunlight changes
that may generate input current
surges into the MICRO inverter
b) PV module incompatible with
the MICRO inverter input charac-
c) Faulty MICRO inverter
a) The error occurs sporadically and
no action is required as the MICRO in-
verter will automatically reset to normal
b) It is necessary to verify that the
photovoltaic module specifications are
compatible with the inverter.
c) If conditions a) and b) have been
verified and the error persists, the mal
function may be caused by an internal
inverter fault.
blinking red
Vbulk OV
The error is generated when the
voltage at the ends of the bulk
capacitors exceeds the Over
Voltage threshold. This may be
caused by:
a) Grid voltage too high
b) Internal inverter fault
a) Check that the grid voltage is com-
patible with the MICRO inverter speci-
fications. In the event of highly abnor
mal grid voltage, please contact your
grid operator to address the problem.
b) If no problems are found when
checking the grid voltage, the alarm
may be caused by internal inverter