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5 - Acquire the MICRO inverters
Scanning for inverters to acquire begins after the Geo position and Timezone have been entered as shown on
the previous page.
Scanning displays number [XX] of inverters found.
Press ENTER to
the acquisition process when the
correct number of inverters [XX] are found.
The CDD will continue scanning and the process must be
manually stopped by the user.
• MAC of the first inverter [01] found will be displayed.
Signal strength for the specific inverter is shown as
of stars indicates signal strength, four stars the maximum.
Press DOWN to select and commit each inverter and move
to the next.
To delete (exclude) a single inverter press ENTER to select
Del > (instead of pressing DOWN to commit) and move to
the next inverter.
When all scanned inverters have been selected or deleted,
the total number of acquired inverters is displayed. Press
ENTER to confirm completion (OK>).
Country Standard
screen opens and displays the first
grid/country standard in the list Press ENTER to remove the
arrow > and scroll DOWN the list of available country/grid
Press ENTER to select the applicable standard to be passed
to the acquired inverters.
When complete, the CDD returns to the MicroManager [Add]
Inverters screen. Press ESC to exit the MAIN menus.
cquire the MICRO inverters using a
computer and the integrated web server
On completing the connection and configuration phase in part 4, the CDD will be connected to
a computer. A browser with active Javascript must be used to view the Local Web Portal pages
properly. To access the local web portal, enter the IP address of the Web Portal (page 24) in
the URL address bar of a browser.
Follow the steps below when the Home page of the web portal is displayed.
Micro Manager
Micro Manager
[Add] Inverters >
Scanning . . .
[XX} Stop >
*** Del >
*** Del >
Commit complete!
Total: [03] OK>
*** Del >
Micro Manager
[Add] Inverters >