- 16 -
4 - Connect and configure the CDD
ireless connection to the internet
The wireless connection of the CDD is enabled by default and requires a router with IEEE 802.11b communication
protocol that will transmit the data to the web portal when there is an internet connection.
Requirements of the router:
Compatibility with IEEE 802.11 communication protocol*
Visible SSID
WPA and WPA-2 security protocols supported.
* Check compatibility list in the appendix and on the website; a standard access point may be utilized to bridge
the CDD to an incompatible router.
The process of detecting WiFi networks within range begins as soon as the green LED is diplayed on the CDD.
[XX] indicates number of networks found
Open, WPA/WPA2 indicates type of protection; security protected networks require a security/passkey
[00] indicates signal level/strength of connection, from 1-4 indicated by the number of characters
• Additional steps are required when connecting to networks with MAC address filters (see below).
The continuation of the installation differs depending on the type of protection of the selected network (Open,
WPA/WPA2). If no wireless networks are found, it may be necessary to change the DHCP settings, (page 24.)
pen networks with a MAC address filter
The MAC address is used to set up the configuration menu of the router which is not supplied
by ABB. Refer to documentation from the manufacturer of the router for instructions to add
the CDD to the list of enabled MAC addresses on the router.
The MAC address can be found on the CDD product label as illustrated on page 8 and is
used to configure the router prior to connection. If the router has not been configured, the
MAC address will be displayed during the connection procedure as follows:
The CDD will start the connection as shown above.
The connection is refused and a
message is displayed.
The WiFi MAC address of the CDD is displayed.
Once the router is configured, power down the CDD to restart the
configuration procedure outlined above.
WiFi Scanning
Insert Passkey
More than one
network found?
Press ESC to exit
the menu
Scroll UP/DOWN to
view list of networks,
press ENTER to
Connecting to
WLess [XX] Done!
Connecting to
WLess [XX]
[XX] Open [ ]
House ....
ENTER passkey
and press ENTER
twice to connect
WLess enabled
Connecting to
WLess [XX] Fail!
MAC Address
A052725AF5222 >