ABB i-bus
How does the device behave if the bus voltage recovers before the
mains voltage?
As the circuit is supplied by the mains voltage, it cannot react to the return
of bus voltage event.
The circuit cannot yet be contacted.
If the mains voltage returns and the bus voltage is already available, only
the reaction after mains voltage recovery will be implemented.
How does the device behave if the mains voltage recovers before the
bus voltage?
Case 1: Option “send output and threshold values immediately”.
The telegrams are sent immediately. As the bus voltage is not present, no
telegrams are visible. If the bus voltage then returns, the reaction will be in
accordance with the bus voltage recovery option selected.
Case 2: Option “send output and threshold values with a delay”.
Now the reaction depends on the bus voltage recovery option.
Option “no reaction”
The send delay currently operational is not interrupted.
Option “send output and threshold values immediately”
The current send delay is interrupted and it is sent immediately.
Option “send output and threshold values with a delay”
The send delay currently operational is retriggered. Send will occur after
the send delay has timed out.
How does sending of values function?
Generally the send options of the individual channels are superimposed
with the options which are possible with mains voltage recovery or
An example. If a temperature sensor is programmed to cyclically send
every 5 seconds, it will do so also after mains voltage recovery regardless
of the selected option at mains voltage recovery.
In contrast, the rain sensor may not send for weeks with a change provided
that it does not rain in this time and because the object value does not
With the options in parameter Behaviour after… it is possible to achieve
that after an event (mains voltage recovery, programming and bus voltage
recovery) the complete process map of the channels (output values and
threshold values) are sent either immediately or after a certain send delay.
This ensures that all relevant information is sent once after an event (e.g.
for visualisation).
Send delay
5 s/10 s/20 s/30 s/60 s
The send delay time determines the time between
bus voltage recovery,
mains voltage recovery, programming
and the time from which the telegrams
should be sent with a delay. Once the device has been started, the following
communications objects also send a telegram after the set delay.