Art: 723085-00K Rev. Date: 30-OCT-2014
The VetScan i-STAT 1 System incorporates a comprehensive group of components
needed to perform blood analysis. A portable handheld analyzer, a cartridge with the
required tests, and 1 to 3 drops of blood will allow the veterinarian to view quantitative
results for tests commonly needed. A portable printer allows test records to be printed.
To perform a test, the operator fills a cartridge with sample, seals the cartridge with
its closure, and inserts the cartridge into the analyzer. The cartridge contains all
components to perform the tests. The analyzer automatically controls all steps in the
testing cycle including: fluid movement, reagent mixing, calibration and temperature
control. Quality checks are performed continuously throughout the testing cycle.
Operator, patient identification and other patient information can be entered into the
test record. When the test cycle is complete, results are displayed and the test record
is stored. This degree of automation, along with the ability to test whole blood,
eliminates many sources of error as well as time- consuming and costly steps inherent
in other methods.
Overview of the VetScan i-STAT 1 System
Fill and seal cartridge
with patient sample.
Insert into analyzer.
Read Results.
Note Regarding System Reliability:
The VetScan i-STAT System automatically runs a comprehensive set of quality checks of
analyzer and cartridge performance each time a sample is tested. This internal quality system will suppress results if the analyzer
or cartridge does not meet certain internal specifications. To minimize the probability of delivering a result with medically significant
error, the internal specifications are very stringent. It is typical for the system to suppress a very small percentage of results in
normal operation given the stringency of these specifications. If, however, the analyzer or cartridges have been compromised,
results may be persistently suppressed, and one or the other must be replaced to restore normal operating conditions.
unavailability of results while awaiting replacement of analyzer or cartridges is unacceptable, Abaxis recommends
maintaining both a backup VetScan i-STAT 1 Analyzer and cartridges from an alternate lot number.