4. Alarm messages
Sometimes (mainly if the battery is not properly
prepared for testing or extremely large electrical noise),
Qulon-12ns fails to estimate capacity. If this happens,
alarm message appears on the screen describing the
reason for the fail. If sounds (see section 6.5) are on,
then the message will be accompanied by beeps.
All alarm messages with their possible causes
and recommended user actions are listed in the follow-
ing table.
Possible cause
Recommended actions
between any of
test clamps and
battery terminal
Disconnect clamps,
clean terminals and
connect clamps once
Battery capacity is below 0.5 Ah, Qulon
can’t estimate it
Battery capacity is too high (may be larger
then 350 Ah), Qulon can’t estimate it
Battery is dis-
Charge battery in full
and try once more
Large noise
recommended user ac-
tions are listed under
the table
Battery voltage is
too high
Disconnect the battery
from the charger
Message "noise" appears in two cases:
1. If the noise is high enough to affect the result
of capacity estimation, the estimated capacity is shown
in the screen and the “noise” message arrives in the
voltage line. In this case, we recommend that you try
again (maybe several times) without disconnecting
Qulon from the battery (by pressing the bottom button).
If a result is the same or you get result without the
"noise", then you can take it for a normal evaluation of
capacity. Otherwise, it is recommended to disconnect
the device from the battery and then repeat the test. If
this does not help, then the noise level is too high for
normal operation. You need to reduce the level of inter-
ference, for example by turning off (or disconnecting)
the charger (rectifier) and repeat the test.
2. If the interference (noise) is so strong that
there is not possible to estimate the battery capacity,
then "noise" message arrives in the screen instead of
the capacity. You should repeat the test, similar to the
above algorithm. The purpose is to obtain the repeated
capacity estimation. If this proves impossible, educe the
level of interference, for example by turning off (or dis-
connecting) the charger (rectifier) and repeat the test.