The manufacturer warrants Qulon-12ns to be
free of defects in parts and workmanship for one year
from date of shipment (a two month limited warranty ap-
plies on test cables) and not more then 15 months from
the date of production.
If it becomes necessary to return the device for
service during or beyond the warranty period, contact
your dealer. Describe your problem in details (may be it
would be possible to solve it by e-mail) and request the
address for shipment. The sender is responsible for
shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper pack-
aging to prevent damage in transit.
This warranty does not apply to defects resulting
from action of the user such as misuse, improper wiring,
operation outside of specification, improper mainten-
ance, or unauthorized repair or modification.
The manufacturer is not being liable for any dir-
ect, indirect, incidental or consequential damages. The
manufacturer's total liability is limited to repair or re-
placement of the product. The warranty set forth above
is inclusive and no other warranty, whether written or
oral, is expressed or implied.
Type: Qulon-12ns.
Serial number ___________________
Manufactured: "____" ___________ 201__
Signature _______________________
Sold by _____________
"____" ___________ 201__
Signature _______________________