capacity according to the following formula:
Е = Е
* К,
where: Е
– estimated capacity without user’s
corrections, К – calibration coefficient.
When issued from the factory Qulon-12ns has
calibration coefficient К = 1.
To recalibrate Qulon-12ns you need: a) determ-
ine the value of calibration coefficient for your batteries
and b) adjust Qulon for work with this coefficient (see
section 6.3).
You have several following possibilities to de-
termine the calibration coefficient.
A) Get coefficient value from the pruducer's In-
, if there is data available
for your battery type (see section 7.1).
B) Determine coefficient by testing your battery
with Qulon and the following measured discharge (see
section 7.2) –
this is the best and most recommen-
ded option.
В) Determine coefficient using “method of aver-
age” after testing a group of batteries with Qulon (see
section 7.3) .
C) Determine coefficient using “method of max-
imum” after testing a group of batteries with Qulon (see
section 7.4).
D) Determine coefficient using “method of battery his-
tory” after testing batteries with Qulon (see section 7.5).
8.1. Coefficient from the producer’s
Recommended coefficients for some battery
types are placed in the Qulon producers Internet site
. They are mainly received by com-
paring the estimated battery capacity and measured
discharge results.
Before use of such data check battery type for
which coefficient is recommended.
If there is no data for your battery type on the
site, e-mail the your battery information (battery type,
producer, country of production) to qulon
. May be it would be possible to get newer informa-
tion. Your own coefficient information is appreciated at
the same address – this will help other Qulon users.
8.2. Measured discharge method
Measured discharge should be done
by the qualified user who studied the present manual
and who distinctly understands the sequence and prob-
able results of the action.
Measured discharge method of Qulon adjust-
ment is a
preferable and most recommended meth-
. It is based on the comparison of estimated battery
capacity produced by Qulon with calibration coefficient
K=1 and measured discharge data for the same battery.
This method is the most correct. Nevertheless the ac-
curacy of the method is strongly dependent on the ac-
curacy of measured discharge.