5. Memory
While testing batteries Qulon feeds from the bat-
tery under test. While working with save data or adjust-
ing device, Qulon could be feed from any battery
(9....15 V) or optional adapter.
5.1. Memory organisation
Battery capacity indicator Qulon-12ns has
memory for 200 test results. For user’s convenience,
test results can be split to groups. Maximum number of
groups is 26, each group is identified with a letter of Lat-
in alphabet – from A to Z. A user arbitrarily manages the
quantity of results inside group.
Each test result recorded is identified with a
name that consists of a group name and a number in-
side group. If the whole memory were empty, the first
test result recorded would be named A-1. Next test res-
ult recorded will have a name A-2 and so on. User can
close current group at any time. In this case, the next
test result recorded will be the first in the next group,
which would be named in the alphabet order (e.g. B-1).
The following memory operations are possible.
A) Saving of test result just received (“save by
command” mode);
B) Erasing of test result just saved (“save by de-
fault” mode);
C) Closing current group (next group opens
automatically), if current group is not “Z”;
D) Erasing all saved test results from memory.
The following memory operations are im-
A) Saving test result to arbitrary chosen group or
arbitrary chosen number in the current group;
B) Erasing of part of saved test results from
C) Recording test result to a closed group;
D) Opening closed group.
All memory operations are made with the help of
main menu.
5.2. Two save modes
Qulon-12ns has two save modes: “save by de-
fault” and “save by command”.
Under “save by default” mode just received test
result is saved automatically. It can be erased by press-
ing lower button.
Under “save by command” mode just received
test result is not saved automatically. It can be saved by
pressing lower button.
User can choose save mode with the help of op-
tions menu. Chosen mode is valid for next tests until it
is changed.
Under both modes saving is performed only if:
A. Battery capacity estimation was successful or
B. Qulon sent one of messages: “capacity low”,
”capacity high”, ”voltage low”, and “voltage high”.