large as 20 A*h you should not be surprised if the same
battery will deliver only 10 A*h during discharge under
minus 20
Factory calibration of Qulon-12ns is conducted
for use under room temperature (about 20
C). There-
fore, in order to get most precise results of battery capa-
city estimation, keep batteries under room temperature
before test for the time needed for temperature equal-
3.1.4. New batteries
The majority of lead acid batteries increase ca-
pacity after their first discharge-charge cycles. That is
why while testing absolutely new batteries (the batteries
that never were charged or discharged) you could get
estimated capacity less then rated (may be by 10 or 15
%). This is usual – the battery will increase capacity
after several cycles (or several months under float
3.2. Battery capacity estimation with
3.2.1. Device placement
Qulon-12ns can work in any position horizontal
or vertical.
To avoid device errors do not use it near the
sources of large electromagnetic noise. .
3.2.2. Battery preparation
Correct estimation of battery capacity can be
achieved for fully charged batteries only. Therefore, the
battery should be fully charged before test.
Normally you need do disconnect battery circuit
before test. If you plan to test battery without discon-
necting it from the DC bus, it is recommended to sustain
the battery at a constant charging voltage without any
discharges for at least 2 days.
If battery terminals are dirty or oxidized – clean
3.2.3. Connection to a battery
Battery capacity indicator Qulon-12ns is supplied
with special test cables that use four-wire (Kelvin) con-
nection to a battery. Two halves of one (red or black)
clamp are insulated from each other.
Verify that clamp halves do not have other con-
nection with each other except battery terminal.
Observe polarity when connecting to a battery.
Connect red clamp to positive battery terminal and
black clamp to negative terminal. Qulon has reverse po-
larity protection – device will not switch on if you mis-
Capacity estimation is correct only in case if
device clamps have secure and reliable connection dir-
ectly to battery terminals. Connect test clamps directly
to battery terminals. Never connect clamps to wires or
nuts that have connection with the terminal.