Industrial Ethernet Switch User Manual
3onedata proprietary and confidential
Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
Local Time
To configure the time by hand to undated the time of the device
Enable NTP
To update the time of the device by using NTP protocol
Time Zone
Standard time zones could be defined by geometrically subdividing the Earth's
spheroid into 24 lines. The local time in neighboring zones would differ by one hour.
And the variation in the position of the sun from one end of the zone to the other (east
vs. west) would be at most 1/24 of the sky. Most of the 25 nautical time zones
(specifically UTC−11 to UTC+11) are indeed defined this way, and are 15° of
longitude wide. An hourly zone in the central Pacific Ocean is split into two 7.5°-wide
zones (UTC±12) by the 180th meridian, part of which coincide with the International
Date Line.
NTP Server
It provides host name or IP address of NTP timing.
System Time
Device time