User manual
2. Enable ring group 1(or group 2), input network ID (support 0-255 pure digital), select the ring port in
ring port 7 and ring port 8, figure as 5.7.5.
Figure 5.7.5
Ring V2 can also set Hello_time . Hello_time setting is time interval of sending detecting packet to network
at regular time. The unit is ms. Its main purpose is to detect network connection. This setting will influence
self-recovery time, we suggest advanced user use it.
1. Method to enable Ring V2 coupling ring
The architecture of coupling ring as figure 5.7.6
Coupling ring
Figure 5.7.6
Operation method:
1. Select Ring V2, enable ring group 1 and 2. (Hello_time can be disable, if enable, time of sending Hello packet
could not be very fast, it will influence CPU operate speed)
2. Set 105, 106 device‘s ring port as port 7 and port 8 in ring group 1, network ID:1, type: single ring. Set ring port
as port 6 in ring group 2, network ID: 2, type: coupling ring, figure as 5.7.8.
Figure 5.7.8
3. Set 100, 101 device‘s ring port as port 7 and port 8 in ring group 1, network ID: 1, type: single ring. Set ring port