User manual
The IP address or domain name address that device will connect, both of them can correspond the host
computer address on the Internet
[Target port]
The port that device will be connected, default is 1~65535.
[Connect mode]
Connection mode has 2 types: Immediately and Data trigger
Immediately: When IES618-4D series have power supply, it will connect immediately, if connection cut off,
it will connect immediately.
Data trigger: Once IES618-4D series receive the data, it will connect immediately.
IES618-4D send the AT package accord the setting time, if no response continue 3 times, will be cut off.
If set ―0‖, meaning this function closed, the range is 0-65535 second, default is 0 second.
[Disconnect Timeout]
Setting the vacancy time for connection cut off automatic; if there do not have data transfer, the connection
will cut off. If set ―0‖, means do not care how much time vacancy, IES618-4D do not cut off voluntary. The range
is 1-65535s. Default is 300s
The figure below is the configuration interface of TCP Client Mode. Session 1 is setting to local address
available for router.‖‖
the ―Destination Port‖ connected to serial port is host computer‖ 31000 port, Connection mode is Immediately, Disconnect Timeout time is 300 seconds, please
pay attention to pure TCP Client,TCP Server, UDP or TCPAuto mode. Please close RealCom. Session 3 is setting
to Internet address available for router ‖www.test.com‖
the choice this time is DNS
the ―Destination Port‖
connected to serial port is host computer ‖www.test.com‖ 31002 port
Connection mode is Immediately,
Disconnect Timeou time is 300 seconds, click ―Apply‘, setting successful.
Figure 5.4.2
TCP server
TCP Server, Passive connect, one pivotal parameter is [Local port], have relationship with other setting, need
combine setting
[Local port]
IES618-4D series provided TCP port can be connect by other TCP/IP node, the TCP port have the
relationship with the IES618-4D series‘s relevant serial interface. The figure as follows is TCP Server setting
interface, Session 1 set local port is 30000, external TCP port connect IES618-4D series through this port.
Connection keep-alive time is 300 second
Click ―Apply‖, setting successful as figure 5.4.3