User manual
Trunk, member type: Tagged.
We can know as the figure, the type of port 7, 8 is Trunk, can allow the data of VLAN 1 and VLAN 2 pass.
5. Modify VLAN
It can re-configure existing VLAN including modifying member‘s type and quantity of the port. Steps are as
1. Enter into VLAN configuration interface, firstly select VLAN items which need to modify in VLAN item
table, like as VLAN 1.
2. Member‘s type of VLAN1 shows in current VLAN item setting and set up member‘s type of the port
according to the steps for creating new VLAN.
3. Click [Add] button, select [OK] when reminds whether overwrite it as shown in Figure 5.6.2. Add new VLAN
items into table and click [Apply] and reboot the device. Modify VLAN finished.
Figure 5.6.2
6. Delete VLAN
Steps of remove VLAN are as follows:
1. Firstly select VLAN items which need to remove, like as VLAN2;
2. after selected, click [Delete], then [Apply]. As shown in Figure 5.6.3:
Figure 5.6.3
7. VLAN Configuration of Single Ring
1. Need to set one port as managed port, managed port and CPU port must in a same VLAN, figure as 5.6.4,
port 1 is managed port.