User manual
receive it, then reply a confirm packet to ensure network connection is active. If this setting will influence
self-recovery time, we suggest advanced users can use it.
Basic interface of Rapid Ring as shown in figure 5.7.1:
Figure 5.7.1
Initial interface display redundancy protocol is none, can configure it through [Settings]. There has 3 type
SW-Ring arithmetic: Ring V1,Ring V2 and Ring V3), Ring V1 support single ring, Ring V2 support single and
coupling ring, Ring V3 Single ring, coupling ring, chain ring and Dual_homing.
Method to enabled Ring V1:
1. Enable Ring V1
Select Ring V1 in [Settings] drop-down menu, figure as 5.7.2
Figure 5.7.2
2. After select Ring V1, Interface as figure 5.7.3, Ring V1 just support single ring
Figure 5.7.3
3, Select ―Apply‖.
Method to enabled Ring V2
1. Enable Ring V2
Select Ring V2 in [Settings] drop-down menu, figure as 5.7.4
Figure 5.7.4