P-660RU-Tx v 3 Series Support Note s
Pr od uct FA Q
1. How can I mana ge P-660 RU-Tx v3?
English Web GU I for Local and Rem ote m anagem ent
CLI (Comm and-line interface)
Telnet support (Adm inistrator Password Protected ) for rem ote
configuration change and sta tus m onitoring
FTP sever, firm ware upgrade and configuration backup and restore are
supported(Administrator Password Protected)
2. What is the defa ult password for Web Configurator ?
By factory default the password for P-6 6 0 RU -Tx v3 Web Configurator is
. You can login in as an adm inistrator. You can change the password
after you logging in the Web Configura tor.
Please recor d your new password w hene ver you cha nge it. The system
will lock you out if you ha ve for gotte n your password.
3. How do I know the P -660RU-Tx v3's W AN IP a ddress assigne d by the
You can view
" IP Address<from ISP>: x .x.x.x"
shown in Web Configurator
Status->De vice Info ->WAN
to check this IP address.
4. What is Traffic Shaping
Traffic Shaping allocates the bandwidth to WAN d ynam ically and aims at
boosting the efficiency o f the bandwidth. If there are several VCs in the
P-660RU -Tx v3 but onl y one VC acti va ted at one time, the P-660RU -Tx v3
allocates all the Bandwidth to the VC and the VC gets full bandwidth. If
another VCs are acti vated la ter, the bandwidth is yield to other VCs after
5. Why do we perform tra ffic sha ping in the P-660RU-Tx v3?
The P-660R U-Tx v3 m ust m anage traffic fairl y and pro vide bandwidth allocation
for different sorts of applications, such as voice, video, and data. All applications
have their own natural bit ra te. Large data transactions have a fluctuating na tural
bit rate. The P-660RU -Tx v3 is able to support variable tra ffic am ong different
virtual connecti ons. Certain traffic m ay be discarded if the virtual connection
experiences congestion. Traffic shaping defines a set of actions taken b y the
P-660RU -Tx v3 to a void congestion; tra ffic shaping takes m easures to adapt to
unpredictable fluctuations in traffic flows and other problem s among virtual
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