P-660RU-Tx v 3 Series Support Note s
Key Settings
Fie ld
Login ACS
Configure t his p art of the screen to log into the management serv er.
Activ ate d
to allow the ZyXEL De vice to be managed by a management
serv er or select
De activ ated
to not allow the ZyXEL De vice to
be managed by a management server.
Type in the IP addre ss o r domain name of the mana gement se rv er.
User Name
Type a u se r name of up to xx x p rintable characte rs found on an
English -language key board.
Pa sswo rd
Type a pa sswo rd of up to xx x printable cha ract ers found on an
English -language key board. Space s are not allowed.
Conn ection
Requ e st
Use thi s pa rt of the sc reen to allow the management serve r to connect to the
ZyX EL Device afte r a succ e ssful login.
This i s the pa rt fo r ve rification from A CS to ZyX EL Device. It c an be
con sidered a s CPE
s URL . When A CS initialize a se ssio n, it will connect
with CPE ba sing on this pa rt.
The default port for acce ss to the Zy XEL Device f rom the management se rve r
is the HTTP port, po rt 80. If you ch ange it, ma ke su re it doe s n ot conflict with
another po rt on you r net wo rk and it i s recommended to u se a po rt numbe r
above 1024 (n ot a commonly u sed po rt ). The management se rve r should u se
this po rt to conne ct to the Zy XEL Device. You may need
to alter you r fire wall or NAT port fo rwarding rules if they were alrea dy
Activ ate d
to have the ZyXEL De vice periodically send information to
the management serv er (recomme nded if CWMP i s e nabled) o r select
Deac tiv ated
to not have the Zy XEL De vice periodically se nd information to
the management serv er
Interv al
Enter a value between 1 and 86400 sec ond s.
All contents copyright © 2008 Zy XEL Communications Corporation.