P-660RU-Tx v 3 Series Support Note s
8. The P-660 RU-Tx v3 supports Br idge and Router mode , what's the
difference between them ?
When the ISP lim its som e specifi c com puters to access Internet that m eans only
the traffic to/from these com puters will be forwarded and the other will be filtered.
In this case, we use bridge m ode which works as an ADSL m odem to connect to
the ISP. The ISP will generally gi ve one Internet account and limit only one
com puter to access the Internet.
For m ost Internet users having multiple computers want to share an Internet
account for Internet a ccess, they ha ve to add another Internet sharing device, like
a router. In this case, we use the router m ode which works as a general Router
plus an ADSL Modem .
9. How do I know I am us ing PPPoE?
PPPoE requires a user account to login to the pro vider's server. If you need to
configure a user name and password on your computer to connect to the ISP
you are probably using PPPoE. If you are sim ply connected to the Internet
when you turn on your com puter, you probably are not. You can also check
your ISP or the inform ation sheet given by the ISP. Please choose PPPoE as
the encapsulation type in the P-660R U-Tx v3 if the ISP uses PPPoE.
10. Why does m y pr ovider use PPPoE?
PPPoE em ulates a familiar Dial-Up connection. It allows your ISP to pro vide
services using their existing network configuration o ver the broadband
connections. Besides, PPPoE supports a broad range of existing applications
and service including authentication, accounting, secure access and
configuration managem ent.
11. Whe n do I need to c hoose dynam ic IP?
If your ISP pro vides you an IP address autom atically, typically used for Cable
service. In this case your com puter gets an IP dynam ically assigned by DHCP.
To use this mode, you need to do som e corresponding configurations on the
web page:
Interface Setup -> Internet -> Encaps ulation
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