Parameters that can be changed by user are set by manufacturer as follows:
1. Tripping torques:
100% or required value
(it is not recommended to change the value
without consulting the supplier of the valve, etc.).
2. Relay 3 and relay 4:
signalization SZ 1 % and SO 99 % of stroke
3. Time of blocking:
2 – 8 s according to rate of actuator shifting
4. Position of blocking:
5 % of stroke from end-limit positions
(it is not recommend to change
the value by more than 10 %)
5. Characteristics of position transducer:
closed 4 mA, open 20 mA
6. Relay READY:
w not remote
In version CONTROL:
1. Setting of control signal:
closed 4 mA, open 20 mA
2. Insensitivity of actuator in regulation:
1 %
(it is not recommended to set insensitivity higher than 3 %)
3. Response in case of loss of control signal:
4. Way of switch off in end-limit positions:
Overview of MENU
– The setting regime is entered by pressing and keeping depressed push-button
MENU for at least 2 s; LED1 is then lit on.
– Shortly press
MENU to select the basic MENU – menu M1 to M8
(LED1 signalizes the menu number);
by short
pressing of P, O, C they are entered
(LED2 signalizes particular parameter).
– Shortly press P to select required value of the parameter. In case the parameter can be set to several values, they
are changed by short pressing of P
(number of blinking of LED2 indicates its value).
Keep pressing of P to record
the chosen parameter; the record is confirmed by lighting on of LED2.
– Shortly press
MENU to gradually set the required menu and parameters.
– After setting all required parameters, exit the setting menu by pressing and keeping depressed push-button
MENU for at least 2 s. The setting menu will also be left in case that no push-button is pressed within 1 minute.
MENU 1 – Setting of tripping torques
– After entering the menu by means of push-button C or O, select required torque.
– Shortly press P to select the set value of the parameter 50 – 100 %
(5 – 10 blinking of LED2)
and keep pressing
push-button P to store the parameter to memory.
MENU 2 – Setting function of signalling relays
– Basic setting of the signalling relays is SZ 1 % and SO 99 % of stroke.
– In case different setting is required, it can be changed after shifting the actuator to required position by means of
push-button C or O.
– Using push-button P, perform basic setting SZ 1 % and SO 99 % of stroke.
MENU 3 – Setting of blocking of torque in end-limit positions
– Shortly press P to select the set value of blocking time 0 – 20 s
(0 – 20 blinking of LED2)
and keep pressing push-
-button P to store the parameter to memory.
– Keep pressing push-button C to store actual position for blocking torque on the side Closed to memory.
– Keep pressing push-button O to store actual position for blocking torque on the side Open to memory.
MENU 4 – Setting transducer characteristics
– Shortly press P to select the value 4 – 20 mA – 1x blinking of LED2 or 20 – 4 mA – 2x blinking of LED2, and keep
pressing push-button P to store the parameter to memory.
Other menus only serve for board setting in version Control
MENU 5 – Setting control signal in 3P regulation
– Shortly press P to select value 4 – 20 mA
- 1x blinking of LED2,
or 20 – 4 mA
- 2x blinking of LED2,
or 0 – 20 mA
- 3x blinking of LED2,
or 20 – 0 mA
- 4x blinking of LED2
and keep pressing push-button P to store the parameter to memory.
MENU 6 – Setting insensitivity in three-position regulation
– Shortly press P to select value 1 – 10 %
(1 – 10x blinking of LED2)
and keep pressing push-button P to store
the parameter to memory.