Formulas Introduction
Zolix Instruments Co., Ltd.
http://www.zolix.com.cn E-mail:[email protected]
7. Formulas Introduction
Total steps per one rotate =360 / step angle
Resolution: The displacement produced with one pulse
Linear stage: Resolution = screw_pitch
/(total_steps_per_rotation * microstep)
Rotary stage: Resolution=360/((total_steps_per_rotation*microstep*moderate_ratio)
The actual speed of the stage (mm/s)= pulse_speed * resolution
(The pulse speed is the desired speed and its value is from 50 to 20000.)
Transform amount of pulse to angle:
Rotating angle (
) =resolution * amout_of_pulse
Transform angle to amount of pulse:
Amount of pulse = angle/resolution
Transform amount of pulse to displacement:
Displacement (mm) =resolution * amount_of_pulse
Transform displacement to amount of pulse:
Amount of pulse =displacement/resolution