Page 8 MS-SOUND decoders MS440 to MS990
MS480, MS480R, MS480F
Top side with wires
Top side (with PluX16)
Bottom side
MS480, MS480P16
(drawing shows wired version)
External capacitors
MS480, MS490, MS500
Elkos with 1000 µF
can be connected to "ELKO Plus" WITHOUT additional
components according to the circuit diagrams on this page. They do NOT have to
be able to handle full running voltage;
15 V
is enough. However, the capacity must
not exceed 1000 µF, which only provides little protection against motor juddering
and sound disturbances.
Bigger capacitors
can be connected instead or additionally (practically without
limitation) to “common positive” and GROUND, although, WITH additional compo-
nents and a dielectric strength suitable for the running voltage (usually 25 V):
The resistor prevents an inrush current too high, the diodes enable Service mode
programming, software updates and sound loading by dropping the voltage in
spite of higher capacities.
External capacitors on miniature decoders over
STACO1 10 x 7,3 x 2 mm STACO1 (centre) connected to miniature sound decoder
(CAD enlarged ) MS490N and 3 miniature gold caps in series (scale 1:1)
The StayAlive controller is connected to the terminals (solder pads or wires)
“common positive” and "GROUND" of the decoder (two-pole!).
The STACO1 comes with 3 mini-goldcaps as the actual energy storage, which,
connected in series, represent a capacity of
100,000 µF
. Of course, all 3 should
preferably be connected, but it also works with 2 (with about 50% runtime) if there
is a lack of space. The STACO1 board contains a step-up voltage converter that
sucks the gold caps from their fully charged state (8 V if 3 of them; 5.5 V if 2) to
their almost fully discharged state (2 V) and delivers a constant voltage of 10 V.
This is enough to drive and to supply the sound amplifier (which runs on 5 V) with-
out interruption and without loss of volume.
To avoid overheating, decoders with STACO1 connected may only be operated
with a
maximum rail voltage of 18 V
The wire connections between the controller board and the mini gold caps make
their local separation possible, and thus in many cases the accommodation of the
StayAlive technology.
NO bridge for three gold caps!
Rev. B only!
(produced from August 2022)
Rev. B only!
(produced from
August 2022)