MS-SOUND-decoders MS440 to MS990 Page 29
If the selection for constant braking distance has been made by CV #140 (= 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13), stop-
ping (i.e. braking to a standstill) is performed according to this procedure, whereby the values set in
CV #141
is maintained as accurately as possible up to the stopping point, irrespective of the speed just travelled
at the start of braking (the "entry speed").
The procedure is especially useful in connection with the automatic stop before a red signal (CV #140
= 1, 11) with the means of the ZIMO HLU ("signal-dependent train control") or the Lenz ABC (signal
stop by "asymmetrical DCC signal"). CV #140 must be set to 1 or 11 for this.
Also activatable (by corresponding values in CV #140 = 2, 12), although of less practical importance, is
the distance-controlled stop for manual driving, i.e. when the speed is set to 0 at the cab (controller).
Default Description
Distance controlled
stopping -
Constant Braking Distance
Selection of the braking
occasion and the
braking behavior
1, 2, 3, 11,
12, 13
Activation of distance-controlled stopping (Constant
Braking Distance) as defined in CV #141 instead of
time-controlled braking as defined in CV #4, for
= 1 automatic stop with ZIMO HLU ("signal-controlled
speed influence") or ABC (signal stop by "asymmetric
DCC signal").
= 2 manual stops by speed controller.
= 3 automatic and manual stopping.
In the above cases (= 1, 2, 3) braking from partial
speeds is delayed so that the train does not "creep" for
an unnecessarily long time (this is the recommended
choice). On the other hand
= 11, 12, 13 as above, but braking is always initiated as
soon as the train is entering the stopping section.
Distance controlled
stopping -
Constant Braking Distance
The braking distance
0 - 255
The value in this CV defines the "Constant Braking Dis-
tance". The value suitable for the existing braking dis-
tances must be determined by trial and error; as a
guide can serve: CV #141 = 255 means approx. 500 m
in the prototype (i.e. 6 m in H0), CV #141 = 50 is ap-
prox. 100 m (i.e. 1.2 m for H0).
#830 Braking distance forward
High Byte
0 - 255
Extended definition of the Constant Braking Distance:
With CV #830 - #833 a more precise and direction de-
pendent braking distance can now be set. The factor
compared to CV #141 is 1 to 16.
The braking distance to be defined is calculated from:
(256 * High Byte) + Low Byte.
CVs #830 - #833 are only effective if CV #141 = 0.
#831 Braking distance forward
Low Byte
0 - 255
#832 Braking distance back-
ward High Byte
0 - 255
#833 Braking distance back-
ward Low Byte
0 - 255
Distance controlled
stopping -
Constant Braking Distance
Compensation for HLU
0 - 255
Since HLU is more error-resistant than ABC, no detec-
tion delay is usually necessary; therefore default 0.
The course of the "distance-controlled stopping" follows two possible procedures (see figures below):
The first variant (CV #140 = 1, 2, 3) is recommended, where at lower entry speed the train initially con-
tinues unchanged for some time and then brakes "normally" (with the same deceleration as it would
from full speed).
In the second variant (CV #140 = 11, 12, 13), on the other hand, the train starts braking immediately at
the beginning of the stopping section even at low entry speed, which can lead to unnatural behavior.
However, for the purpose of adaptation to third-party products that operate similarly to the second vari-
ant, it may also be useful to select the latter.
Also, when using the "distance-controlled stop" in manual mode (CV #140 = 2 or 12) the second vari-
ant (i.e. CV #140 = 12) might be preferable so that the train reacts immediately to the controller.