The function observes the compartment temperature:
If the compartment temperature
rises above the
+ the
control range
, the active
setpoint is increasedvia an automatic timer per hour by the adjustable value (e.g. 0.2 K/h). The
increase is only carriedout up to a max. value (
Max. increas
can be set in the installation
If the compartment temperature
sinks below the
+ the
control range
, the active
nominal value is reset via an automatic timer per hour by the adjustable value back down to the
normal setpoint
) (
in the
menu) (e.g. 0.1 K/h). This ensures the ventila-
tion control always works directly at the end of the control range. If the compartment temperature
sinks quickly, the ventilation function can react quickly andreduce ventilation.
Of course, this function can result in a higher set point on warm days. But this set point is
more realistic and is thus the ideal set point for the prevailing ambient conditions. Increasing
the set point only affects the ventilation set point; all other nominal values for heating, shutters,
minimum-air disconnect and the additional controllers remain at the
normal setpoint
s assume your desired setpoint in the compartment is 20.0
C (control range 5.0 K). This setpoint
can surely be reachedin the winter because the supply air in this season is generally cooler.
On warm summer days, e.g. 28
C, this setpoint cannot be attainedas the supply air is signi
warmer. That means, you warm up the compartment with a supply air temperature that is too high. But
your setpoint is set to 20
C! The result: 100 % ventilation takes place. If the supply air temperature
then quickly falls, 100% ventilation is carriedout until the compartment temperature eventually falls
below 25
That causes a high degree of temperature
uctuations, which can leadto diseases in the animal
population. One remedy could be to manually increase the setpoint or the control range, but these
changes would have to be constantly adapted to the corresponding ambient conditions. And that is
where the automatic reduction function takes over. This function relieves you of the work of having to
constantly modify the setpoint manually.
As the temperature only indirectly gives evidence of the air quality, a suf
cient minimum
ventilation must absolutely be ensured for this function. The automatic reduction makes
allowance for this situation (
Minimum extra
in installation menu).
Operating Instructions
UNIcon / Acontrol
Settings for operation
L-BAL-E051-GB 1035 Index 003
Part.-No. 00163311-GB