background image


After operation (centrifuging of juice)  (Fig. F)


 Switch the juice extractor off, turning the button 


, the 



 will go out.


 Unplug the appliance.

After  the  engine  stops,  start  to  disassemble  the  juice 


extractor in order to wash the parts (see 

„Preparation of 

the juice extractor for operation”


Remove the accumulated pulp from the pulp container 




Prevent  the  excess  of  the  pulp  container  (8).  The 

excessive  pulp  can  pour  out  while  leaning  the 

container during removing.

Juice extractor maintenance rules 

Clean the juice extractor carefully after each usage, to 


prevent drying of juice and fruit remains.

Remove the dirt from the corners with a bottle brush or 


tooth brush.

Clean  the  motor  with  a  damped  cloth  sprinkled  with 


washing up liquid. Then dry it.

When water or juice gets into the motor, stop operation 

and  bring  the  appliance  to  the  service  centre  for 


The  following  elements  of  the  equipment:  the  juice 




,  the  lid 


,  the  pusher 


  and  the  pulp 



  should  be  washed  in  hot  water  with 

wash-up liquid.

You  can  also  clean  them  in  dishwashers  in  maximum 


temperature 60°C.

The exception is the filter 



. It should be washed with 

a hard brush only. 

Do not use any metal brushes to 

clean the filter!

As a result of a long use of the appliance, some plastic 


elements  can  change  their  colour.  Do  not  treat  it  as 

a defect.  

Colour  from  carrots  can  be  removed  by  cleaning  the 


surface with a cloth moistened with edible oil.  

Dry carefully all parts after cleaning.


Assemble the juice extractor according to the instructions 


described  above  (see 

“Preparation  of  the  juice 

extractor for operation”


Roll the supplying cord inside the compartment located 


in the base of the juice extractor motor.

Pay  special  attention  to  transparent  plastic  parts. 

They are sensitive to hits and falls. They may easily 

be damaged then.

Vegetable and fruit juices preparation

Fruits  and  vegetables  intended  for  juice  extraction 


should be fresh and cleaned carefully. Vegetables should 

be cleaned from sand and soil with running water and 

peeled.  Publications  on  making  juices  recommend  to 

soak vegetables for 5 minutes in water with salt and citric 


Vegetables prepared in this way do not get darker during 


the  process  of  grinding  and  juice  made  of  them  has 

a natural colour. 

Berry  fruits  should  be  washed  directly  before  using 


because they lose freshness quickly.   

The  selection  of  vegetables  and  fruit  depends  on 


the  season  of  the  year,  taste  preferences  and  health 

recommendations. Nutritive values of vegetable and fruit 

juices also depend on the way of preparation.  

Juices  should  be  prepared  from  juicy  vegetables  and 


fruits, which should be ripe and fresh to get the juice of 

an excellent taste and fragrance.  

The following vegetables are suitable for juice preparation: 


tomatoes, carrots, celeries, beetroots, parsnips, onions, 

cabbage,  cucumbers,  black  turnip,  rhubarb,  etc.  For 

dietetic purposes juices may be prepared from lettuce, 

spinach, leek and other vegetables. 

Such vegetables as radish, chives, parsley, dill and cress 


are added to drinks in a finely cut form.

Fruit  juices  may  be  obtained  from  almost  all  kinds  of 



Apples, peaches, apricots and plums should be scalded 


in a colander after washing.

Remove  pips,  seeds  or  stones  from  fruits  containing 


them because they could damage the juice extractor.

Extracting juice from plums, blueberries, raspberries, soft 


pears and apples and other fruits is inconvenient. The 

flesh of these fruits becomes a spongy pulp which blocks 

holes of the filter. You can use these fruits for extracting 

juice mixing a small amount of them with other fruit or 

vegetables and the filter should be cleaned more often 

in such a case.

Root vegetables and hard fruits should be cut into pieces 


which could fit in the feeding tube.

Fruits and vegetables are put into the feeding tube only 


after starting of the juice extractor.

If the raw material gets stuck in the feeding tube or on 


the  pulping  blade  of  the  filter,  use  the 



If the above problem still exists, switch the appliance off, 

disassemble it and clean.

Nutritive  values  of  fresh  juices  is  similar  to  nutritive 


values  of  fruit  and  vegetables,  however  a  part  of  fibre 

is  eliminated  during  the  process  of  juice  centrifuging. 

that  is  why  juices  may  be  drunk  by  persons  who,  due 

to  complaints  of  their  digestive  tract  cannot  eat  raw 


Drinks from fruits are specially recommended for children 


and elderly people nourishment. 

It is recommended to drink a small amount of water while 


Содержание 478.1A


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Страница 15: ...kla n m st edisku ke kter mu p slu te Toto elektroza zen nepat do komun ln ho odpadu Spot ebitel p isp v na ekologickou likvidaci v robku ZELMER CZECH s r o je zapojena do kolektivn ho syst mu ekolo g...

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Страница 37: ...41 230 V 60 15 3 1 30 turbo 10 LWA 75 dB A 80 dB A 85 dB A II ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC RU...

Страница 38: ...42 B A 1 a power b 1 2 turbo c d pulse e f g 2 h i 3 K 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 turbo 3 turbo 10 15 1...

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Страница 44: ...48 230 V 60 C 15 3 1 30 turbo 10 LWA 75 dB A 80 dB A 85 dB A ZELMER LVD 2006 95 EC EMC 2004 108 EC CE BG...

Страница 45: ...49 B A 1 a power b 1 2 turbo c d pulse e f g 2 h i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 turbo 3 turbo 10 15 1...

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Страница 71: ...aturo ie apar t kait gie komponenti var rad t draudus apk rt jai videi Nemetiet r sulas spiedi kop ar komun liem atkritu miem Ra ot js nenes atbild bu par iesp jamo zaud jumu kas nodar ts izmantojot i...

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Страница 75: ...eb p rast pese mist asetada s elaga kuuma vette Eemaldage kividega puuviljadest ja marjadest kivid sest nad v ivad seadet rikkuda Ploomidest mustikatest vaarikatest pehmetest pirni dest untest ja muud...

Страница 76: ...Sellerimahla tohib juua v ikse mates kogustes kui porgandimahla una v i sidrunimahla lisamine parandab maitset Kurgimahl Mahl on loomult maitsetu ja seda tuleb segada kas una porgandi v i sellerimah l...

Страница 77: ...iga 2 T itke mikseri kauss tootega mitte letades m rgitud lempiiri 1 25 l 3 Asetage kausile kaan koos m dun uga 4 Pange hendusjuhtme pistik vooluv rgu pessa 5 L litage seade t le power nupuga ja regul...

Страница 78: ...ts into the motor Return the appliance to an authorised service facility for examination and servicing Do not expose the appliance to temperatures exceeding 60 C Do not turn on the appliance if empty...

Страница 79: ...tate of the pulping blade The parts in contact with the processed raw materials are made of materials permitted for contact with food Juice extractor safety operation instructions Do not use the juice...

Страница 80: ...the assembly is proper until the lamp c turns blue 2 Press the button power a the juice extractor will operate on gear 1 and the control lamp will turn blue It is a gear recommended for fruit 3 If yo...

Страница 81: ...ric acid Vegetables prepared in this way do not get darker during the process of grinding and juice made of them has a natural colour Berry fruits should be washed directly before using because they l...

Страница 82: ...Half a glass of carrot juice and half a glass of milk is recommended for little children Carrot juice in combination with apple juice is recommended as an energizing drink for elderly people Tomato j...

Страница 83: ...ance and unplug the power supplying cord from the socket 2 To disassemble the mixing cup turn it clockwise so that symbol of the motor body is in line with symbol on the cup which indicates open posit...

Страница 84: ...ood remains Additionally if the pulp container is full empty it In case of any mechanical damages of the strainer it is necessary to replace it with a new one Ecology Environment protection Each user...

Страница 85: ...Notes...

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