IM 01R01B30-00E-E 8th edition November 01, 2019-00
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2003, Rota Yokogawa
6. Service
6.1.1 Function test
Checking free movement of pointer:
• Remove housing cover (4 screws).
• After deflecting the pointer by hand, it must return to measurement value. If the pointer pivots to different
values upon repeated deflections, there is too much friction in the bearings. In this case, send indication unit
to service.
Checking free movement of float:
Check movability of the float (5)* by watching the pointer. The pointer should follow the movement of the float.
If this is not the case, float and measuring tube (1; 21)* should be cleaned.
Check the movability of the pointer by careful moving it with your fingers and watching whether it responds to
the scale value. If it does not work properly, the mechanical display unit (14)* must be changed.
Unit with electronic transmitter:
• Without flow, the output current must be 4 mA. At a flow rate of 100 % the current must be 20 mA.
• If only the pointer is moved to 100 %, the current may not exeed 17 mA.
6.1.2 Measuring tube and float
The Rotameter does not normally require any maintenance. However cleaning is necessary if the measuring
cone or flat has been contaminated by the process. To clean, the Rotameter must be removed from the
For all kind of intervention in the Rotameter, e.g. tightening the packing(11)* of the valve, the pressures in
pressurized pipelines has to be reduced. Ensure that the counter screw is tightened after screwing the valve.
Disassembling the tube
Please perform the following steps to clean the measuring tube and the float:
• Disassemble the Rotameter from the pipe
• Unscrew hollowed top threaded bolt (6)* (for cone 31 to 43)
resp. remove top snap ring and socket (for cone 44 to 51)
resp. only top snap ring (for cone 52 to 53)
• Remove top float stop (3)*
• While removing the float, please do not bend the float
• For version with valve in the inlet remove first the top head pipe plug (8)*
• For version with valve in the outlet remove first the lower head pipe plug;
in that case the disassembling of all parts start from bottom to top
• Cleaning of metering tube and float
• To clean the valve loose screw nut (10)* in the head. Afterwards you can unscrew spindle (12)* with PTFE
packing box plus thrust collar (9)*
Please don’t expose the float to any strong magnetic alternating fields. The floating body and particularly
its measuring edge shall not be damaged.
Assembling the tube
Mounting starts in opposite sequence.
Assembling the float be aware that the lower guide bar of the float is fixed in the middle borehole of the lower
stop. The guide bar should not be bended.
* Position numbers are illustrated in the explosion drawings in chapter 6.1.3.
6.1 Maintenance