General Instruction Manual
Scope of application
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IM 01U10B00-00EN-R, 3rd edition, 2018-07-09
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope of application
These instructions apply to the following Rotamass Total Insight product families:
▪ Rotamass Nano
▪ Rotamass Supreme
▪ Rotamass Giga
▪ Rotamass Prime
▪ Rotamass Intense
▪ Rotamass Hygienic
▪ Rotamass Total Insight transmitter in combination with any Rotamass Total Insight
1.2 Target group
The following persons are the target group of this manual:
▪ Technicians
▪ Engineers
This manual along with its applicable documents enable the target group to complete the
following steps:
▪ Installation
▪ Commissioning
▪ Configuration (parametrization)
▪ Integration of the flow meter into a process control system
▪ Troubleshooting
▪ Maintenance and repair
▪ Dismantling and disposal
1.3 Applicable documents
The following documents supplement this manual:
▪ Explosion Proof Type Manual (Ex-IM) IM01U10X
▪ Software Instruction Manual (SW-IM) IM01U10S
▪ General Specifications (GS) GS01U10B