IM 767361-01E
Communication Function (install either one)
• GP-IB Interface
Electrical and mechanical Conforms to IEEE St’d 488-1978
Functional specifications SH1, AH1, T5, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, and C0
• RS-232 Interface
Start-stop synchronization
Baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bits/s
Option /DA
• D/A Output Specifications
Output voltage
0 to ±2 V or 0 to ±5 V (switchable)
Output example: 130 kPa gauge pressure model
Output range when ±2 V
0 kPa: 0 V
65 kPa: 1 V
130 kPa: 2 V
156 kPa: 2.4 V
–80 kPa: –1.231 V
Output resolution
16 bits (full scale is approx. ±125% of the range)
Output accuracy (23±3°C) When dynamic mode is ON (MT210F only)
(after ZERO CAL)
±0.5% of FS
(At the D/A output
When dynamic mode is OFF
Add ±0.05% of FS to the pressure measurement accuracy
Temperature influence
±(0.005% of FS)/°C
Output update rate
Approx. 2 ms
Response time
When dynamic mode is ON (MT210F only)
Same as the specifications of the high-speed measurement mode.
When dynamic mode is OFF
Same as the specifications of the selected measurement mode.
Output resistance
0.1 Ω or less
Load resistance
1 kΩ or more
*1: ±0.7% of full scale for the 767381 only.
• Comparator Output Specifications
Output signal
When D/A > upper limit: HIGH = 1
When upper limit ≥ D/A ≥ lower limit: IN = 1
When D/A < lower limit: LOW = 1
When converting signal: BUSY = 1
LED (on display) corresponding to HIGH, IN, and LOW lights
Signal level
TTL level
• External Trigger Specifications
Input level
TTL level
If a high level signal is applied externally when measurement is held, measurement trigger is
activated on the falling edge.
When a trigger occurs, the LED on the front panel section lights.