• IP Address
• Set the IP address to assign to the XL100. The default setting is
• The IP address is used to distinguish between the various devices connected to
the Internet when communicating using the TCP/IP protocol. The address is a
32-bit value expressed using four octets (each 0 to 255), each separated by a
period as in [].
• Subnet Mask
• Specify the mask that is used to determine the network address from the IP
address. The default setting is
• Set the value according to the system or network to which the XL100 belongs. In
some cases, this setting may not be necessary.
• Default Gateway
• Set the IP address of the gateway (router, etc.) used to communicate with other
networks. The default setting is
• Set the value according to the system or network to which the XL100 belongs. In
some cases, this setting may not be necessary.
• DNS (Domain Name System)
You must set the DNS if you are using a host name to specify the destination
server of the file transfer on an FTP client or the server of the e-mail recipient.
* DNS is a system used to associate names used on the Internet called host
names and domain names to IP addresses. The host name/domain name can
be used instead of the IP address when accessing the network. The DNS server
manages the database that contains the host name/domain name and IP
address correlation.
• DNS Server
• Set the IP address of the DNS server. The default setting is
• You can specify up to two DNS server IP addresses, primary and secondary.
If the primary DNS server is down, the secondary DNS server is automatically
looked up for the mapping of the host name/domain name and IP address.
• Host Name
Set the XL100’s host name using up to 64 characters.
• Domain Name
• Set the network domain name that the XL100 belongs to using up to 64
• When the destination server of the file transfer or the server of the e-mail
recipient is looked up using the DNS server, this domain name is appended
to the host name as a possible domain name if it is omitted. The recipient
name (server name) is set to the name specified by FTP Server Name or
SMTP Server Name.
• Domain Suffix
When the IP address corresponding to the server name with the domain name
of the previous section is not found, the system may be set up to search using a
different domain name. In such cases, set the domain name to be searched
following the “domain name” of the previous section as a domain suffix.
• Set the domain suffix using up to 64 characters.
• You can specify up to two domain suffixes, primary and secondary.
2.3 Configuring of the Ethernet Interface