《目次》 《索引》
TI 71M01D03-03
1st Edition : 2007.03.12-00
Appendix1 Glossary
Authority which command is to be valid, serial interface (CN1) or controller
interface (CN4)
Coin waiting
Operation authority
Controller interface (CN4)
Serial interface (CN1)
Interface receiving moving command from software through RS232C
Interface receiving moving command from PLC
Symptom ON and OFF signals are unexpectedly repeated after relay or contact is
Waiting the motor to be positioned inside the allowable range after completion
of positioning command and before the next motion
Occur when position control bandwidth and velocity control
bandwidth are unbalanced. Possible to occur when position
control bandwidth <3*velocity control bandwidth.
Inappropriate inertia moment value or variable load (more than
1.5 times) may lead this vibration.
■vibration frq.
- a few Hz
■moving angle
a few to a few
dozens deg.
Low frequency vibration
Phase shift
High frequency vibr
■vibration frq.
a few dozens
to 200Hz
■moving angle
- a few deg.
■vibration frq.
a few dozens
to 2kHz
■moving angle
less than a
few deg.
If position integration limiter is set high, oscillation may
occur due to unstable control system by accumulated position
deviation pulses.
・If frequency when phase of velocity output signal delays 180
deg.(phase shift) against velocity input signal is “fr”,
occur when “fr” becomes smaller than “fv”.
・When each filter’s frequency is duplicated if several
filters are used, or velocity control bandwidth and filtering
frequency are duplicated.
Occur when mechanical resonance of load breaks into velocity
control loop. There may be more than one resonance points.
Motor may vibrated due to machine construction and tuning conditions.
Such vibrations are categorized as below.