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O R I G I N A L   I N S T R U C T I O N S

moving elements.

 Damage to the power supply cable increases the risk of an electric shock. 

In case work is realised outside closed areas, it is necessary to use extension cords designed for applications outside 

closed areas.

 Using a correct extension cord permits to reduce the risk of an electric shock.

If operating a power tool in a damp location is unavoidable, use a residual current device (RDC) protected supply.

 Use of 

an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.  

Personal safety        

Commence work in good physical and psychological conditions. Pay attention to what you do. Do not work if you are 

tired or under effects of medicines or alcohol.

 Even a moment’s inattention during work may lead to serious injuries. 

Always use individual means of protection. Always wear goggles.

 Using individual means of protection, such as dust-masks, 

protective shoes, helmets and hearing protections permits to reduce the risk of serious injuries. 

Avoid accidental activation of the tool. Make sure the switch is in the OFF position, before you connect the tool to the 


 Holding the tool with a finger on the switch or connecting an electric tool when the switch is in the ON position may lead 

to serious injuries. 

Before you turn an electric tool on remove all the spanners and other tools, which have been used for adjustments.


spanner left on rotating elements of the tool may lead to serious injuries. 

Keep your balance. Maintain an appropriate position.

 It will permit to control the electric tool in case of unpredicted situations 

during its operation. 

Use protective clothes. Do not wear loose clothes or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothes and gloves away from moving 

elements of the electric tool.

 Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair may get caught on moving elements of the tool. 

Use dust extractors or dust containers, if the tool is equipped with any. Make sure they are properly connected.

 Using of 

dust extractors permits to reduce the risk of serious injuries. 

Operation of the electric tool

Do not overload the electric tool. Use a proper tool for the given purpose.

 A correct selection of the tool for the given work 

will result in a more efficient and safer work. 

Do not use the electric tool if the switch is not functioning properly.

 A tool which may not be controlled by means of a switch 

is dangerous and must be repaired. 

Disconnect the plug from the mains socket before any adjustment, replacement of accessories or storage of the tool.


will permit to avoid accidental activation of the electric tool. 

Store the tool away from children. Do not allow untrained persons to operate the tool.

 An electric tool may be dangerous 

in hands of an untrained person. 

Make sure the tool is properly maintained. Check the tool in order to detects any unfitting or loose moving elements. 

Check whether the elements of the tool are not damaged. In case any damaged elements of the tool are detected, they 

must be repaired before the electric tool is operated.

 Many accidents are caused by improper maintenance of tools. 

Cutting tools must be sharp and clean.

 Properly maintained cutting tools are easier to control during work. 

Use electric tools and accessories in accordance with the aforementioned instructions. Use the tool in accordance with 

its purpose, taking into account the kind and conditions of work.

 Should the tool be used for other applications than the ones 

it has been designed for, the risk of a dangerous situation increases.


The tool may be repaired only by authorised service centres, which must use solely original spare parts.

 It will guarantee 

a proper level of safety of operation of the electric tool. 

Warnings related to the grinding 

The dust generated during grinding of certain surfaces can be toxic.

 For example, when surface covered with paint with 

lead. Inhalation of toxic dust may endanger a sander operator or to bystanders. In this case, you should use appropriate personal 

protective equipment as dust masks, work in well ventilated areas and use external dust removal installations.


Mounting the abrasive sheet


Mounting the abrasive sheet may be done only with disconnected power supply. Unplug the sander power cord 

from the mains socket!.

sander allows to mount the paper or abrasive cloth in two ways. You can use the Velcro located on the foot of the tool. For this 

purpose the paper should have one side adapted for fastening with Velcro. The dimensions of the sheet should, in this case, cor-

respond to the dimension of the tool foot given in the table.

The sheet should be mounted so it does not stick out beyond the feet, and the holes in sheet wold cover the holes in tool foot (II). 

This will allow for efficient sucking of the dust produced during operation. 

Содержание YT-82230


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Страница 5: ...t ed t m e odevzd te pou it za zen do sb rn ho st ediska pou it ch elektrick ch za zen Aby se omezilo mno stv odpad je nevyhnutn jejich op tovn vyu it recyklace nebo jin forma regenerace VIDES AIZSARD...

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Страница 46: ...82230 Tensiune de re ea V 230 Frecven a de re ea Hz 50 Putere nominal W 260 Num r de oscila ii min 1 13 000 M rimea piciorului mm 187 x 90 Dimensiunile discului abraziv mm 238 x 90 Masa kg 1 8 Nivel d...

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Страница 53: ...IMIENTO E INSPECCIONES ATENCI N Antes de empezar el ajuste servicio t cnico o mantenimiento saque el enchufe de la herramienta del contacto de la red el ctrica Habiendo terminado el trabajo es meneste...

Страница 54: ...A2 2011 EN 55014 2 1997 A1 A2 2008 EN 61000 3 2 2014 EN 61000 3 3 2013 i spe niaj wymagania dyrektyw 2014 30 UE Kompatybilno elektromagnetyczna 2006 42 WE Maszyny i urz dzenia bezpiecze stwa 2011 65 E...

Страница 55: ...e following products meet requirements of the following European Standards Technical Specifications and fulfill requirements of the following European Directives 2006 42 EC Machinery and safety elemen...

Страница 56: ...1 EN 55014 2 1997 A1 A2 2008 EN 61000 3 2 2014 EN 61000 3 3 2013 i satisfac cerin ele Directivelor europene urm toare Num r de serie se refer la toate numere de serie ale articolelor specificate n ace...
