supply. Use only the lubricants, which are recommended by the manufacturer. Avoid awkward postures, and also postures, which
will not allow you to prevent the normal or sudden movement of the tool.
The risks associated with repetitive movements
During the application of the pneumatic tool for work consisting of the repetition of movements, the operator is exposed to experi-
ence discomfort in hands, arms, shoulders, neck or other parts of the body. In the case of use of pneumatic tool, the operator
should take a comfortable posture for correct setting of feet and should avoid postures, that are strange or not providing the bal-
ance. The operator should change posture during the long work, this will help to avoid discomfort and fatigue. If the operator is
experiencing symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, pulsating pain, tingling, numbness, burning or sti
Operator should not ignore them, should tell the employer about it and consult a doctor.
The risks associated with accessories
Disconnect tool from the power supply before changing the inserted tool or accessory. Use accessories and supplies only in sizes
and types, which are recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use cracked or distorted accessories. Check the condition of
accessories before each use of them.
Risks associated with the workplace
Slips, trips and falls are the main causes of injuries. Beware of slippery surfaces, caused by the use of tools, and threats of tripping
caused by the pneumatic system. Proceed with caution in an unknown environment. There may be hidden threats, such as electricity or
other utility lines. Pneumatic tool is not intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and is not isolated from contact with elec-
tricity. Make sure, that there are no electric wires, gas pipes, etc., that can cause a threat in the event of their damage by using the tool.
Noise hazard
high noise levels can cause permanent and irreversible hearing loss and other problems, such as tinnitus (ringing, buzz, whistling
or humming in the ears). It is necessary to perform the risk assessment and implement appropriate control measures in relation
to those risks. Use hearing protection in accordance with the instructions of employer and in accordance with the requirements of
hygiene and safety. Service and maintenance of the pneumatic tool should be carried out according to the recommendations of the
manual, to avoid the unnecessary increase of noise level. Selection, maintenance and replacement of worn items / inserted tools
should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the service manual, in order to prevent unnecessary increase in
noise. If the pneumatic tool has a mu
er, you should always make sure that it is correctly mounted when you use the tool.
Additional safety instructions for pneumatic tools
Air under pressure can cause serious injury:
- always shut o
the air supply, drain hose of air pressure and detach tool from air supply, when it is not in use, before changing
accessories or performing repairs;
- never direct the air stream at yourself or anyone else.
Hose hitting can cause serious injury. You should always check for damaged or loose hoses and
ttings. Cold air should be
directed away from the hands Every time when there are used universal screwed connections (claw couplings), you should apply
the protecting pins and connectors against the possibility of damage to the connections between the hoses and between the hose
and tool. Do not exceed the maximum air pressure speci
ed for the tool. Never carry the tool, by holding it by the hose.
The grease gun can be used only to apply solid greases, It is forbidden to use grease gun to apply lubricants, for example an oil.
It is forbidden to use greases, which can unfavorably a
ect the rubber seals or seals, which have been made of plastic.
You should make sure that that the source of compressed air allows you to create the proper working pressure and that it provides
the required air
ow. In the case of a too high air pressure, a reducer should be used together with a safety valve. The pneumatic
tool must be powered by the system of a
lter and lubricator. This will ensure, at the same time, the air, which is pure and moistured
by oil. The state of the
lter and lubricator should be checked before each use, and possibly clean the
lter or re
ll shortage of oil
in the lubricator. This will ensure proper operation of the tool and will extend its service life.
In the case of high loads, there can be created a recoil force, which is directed towards the person, who is working with the tool.
You should adopt such an posture when you are working, to be able to e
ectively counter these forces.
You should always make sure, that all keys and tools used to regulate has been removed before starting operation.
Before each use, you should check that none of the components of the product is damaged. If you notice any damage, you should
replace the element immediately with new one, undamaged system component.
Before each use of the the pneumatic system, you should dry the moisture condensed inside the tool, compressor and pipes.
ATTENTION! To power the pneumatic tool you should use only compressed air. It is forbidden to use any other gas for
that purpose, especially
ammable gases.